
The U8s at BBRFC Celtic are an incredible mix of dedicated coaches, enthusiastic young players, and wonderfully supportive parents. Together, we create a space where every child - regardless of their experience, background, or personality - can find their place in the amazing world of rugby.

At this stage, we build on what the kids learned at U6 (or introduce rugby basics for newcomers). We focus on the key foundations that define BBRFC Celtic rugby: confidence in contact, mastering proper passing, and learning safe and effective tackling. At this age group, we also start to guide them into understanding structure. And of course, we make sure our players remember the most important part: rugby is FUN and a TEAM sport.

Our training sessions are a combination of drills and games, to ensure our little warriors stay engaged and excited while improving their skills. Coaches also work tirelessly to ensure training is not only effective but also helps channel all that endless energy (in hopes parents get to enjoy a peaceful afternoon afterwards).

The U8s are more than a rugby team: we’re a little family in the big family that is BBRFC Celtic. After training, many of us stick around to enjoy a coffee or a cold drink together, depending on the season. Beyond the field, we also participate in various social events organized with the support of our School Social Committee. 

If you're looking for a supportive, energetic, and welcoming environment for your child, come join us at BBRFC Celtic U8s. We can't wait to see you on the pitch!

The U8s Head Coach

Children's rugby team huddle on a field with coaches, wearing red, green, and blue striped jerseys.
Children playing rugby on a field at night

Practical Information

  • Coach(es): Astrid Vidal Vrijens (Head coach/Manager), Sophie Briquetti, Thibaud Martin, George Pinhorn, Rob Roelandts, Alasdair White and Vincent Truttmann

  • Year of Birth: 2018 & 2017

  • Training: Every Wednesday evening from 18h00-19h00, and Saturday from 09h00-10h30 at the VUB. Saturday tournaments, home or away, when scheduled are in the morning and or afternoon.

  • Email: u8@bbrfcceltic.eu

Group of children and adults on a sports field with a rainbow in the sky.


We’re always more than happy to answer any questions you have, just fill out the form on this page and someone from the U8 Team will get back to you as soon as possible!

Alternatively, you can always reach out to us on Instagram: @bbrfc_celtic

Don’t be a stranger!